Exit 146 - Jr High



Exit 146 is the name of our Jr. High Ministry. This name was chosen because we feel the Jr. High years are often a turning point for most adolescents. It is as if the youth have been headed down a highway, yet only as a passenger up to this point. But now as things are changing everyday in their life, they need to make an Exit and choose their own path to travel. They may choose to remain on the Highway that is leading towards destruction as Jesus referred to in Matthew 7:13-14. Or they can Exit off that Highway through the Narrow Gate that leads to life. This Exit from the Highway into the Narrow Gate is where we get our name. The 146 stands for John 14:6 where Jesus proclaimed, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

Meeting Information

EXIT 146 meets every Saturday night at 6:00pm in the Youth room on the West side of building B. Youth are encouraged to arrive by 5:00 PM to hang out and have fellowship with others before the service begins.


Any questions? Please email Pastor Paul at paulfisher4328@yahoo.com

Want to get involved?

Click here to print, complete, and return application.

Contact Information

Pastor Paul & Angie Fisher: paulfisher4328@yahoo.com, or call 520-699-4328