What is Calvary Kids Club?
Calvary Kid’s Club, also known as “CKC” is a Bible-based program designed to help kid’s come to know Christ on a true and personal level. A child’s desire is to belong, and here at CKC they can do just that. They will belong to a special group and enjoy learning about how they also belong to God. They’ll learn about His amazing love and sacrifice and how to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
Children will learn how to memorize scripture but more importantly, they learn how to apply what the Bible says to their lives.
Children 3 years old through 6th grade can benefit from the CKC program as they are encouraged weekly to develop a relationship with Jesus. What an awesome blessing to be a part of reaching a child’s heart for God. Another great aspect of the CKC program is that many of the assignments encourage family participation through praying and Bible reading, therefore, potentially reaching family members that would not normally engage in church activities.
The CKC program is designed to be a progressive program that awards children as they complete their age-specific workbooks. Each workbook comes with a corresponding patch that the children can proudly display on their CKC vests. CKC workbooks are designed to be taken home for the child to work through. However, depending on the size of your church, you may choose to complete each book together, as a team.
Want to get involved?
Click here to print, complete, and return application.
Contact Information
CKC meets on Thursday evenings at 7 PM, Building B. For more information call the office at 520.378.1020.