What We Offer
We offer Bibles, Study Guides, Music, Books by popular Christian authors, and Pastor Pat’s “In the Potter’s Hands” Pottery Presentation on DVD. If we do not have what you are looking for, we also do special orders.
Study Categories
Parenting, Bible Studies, Prophecy, Audio Bible, Christian Living, Men's Ministry, Prayer, Women's Ministry, Devotionals, Biographies, Teens, Prayer, Children, Marriage, Family and more...
Bibles, Willow Tree, Bible Tabs, Coffee Mugs, Journals, Veggie Tales, Highlighters, Board Games, DVD's, Hats, Music, Beanies, Pictures, Jewelry, Cards, T-Shirts, Gift Bags, and more...
Store Hours
Tuesday 10 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM
Before and after all services
Want to get involved?
Click here to print, complete, and return application.
Contact InformationJulie Power: Email bookstore@calvarysv.org or call 520.378.1020